Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Breakfast Muffins!!!

Put bacon strips in muffin tin and then add whipped eggs with a little cheese about 3/4 full. Bake @ 350 degrees for 30-35 min. YUM!!! 


Breakfast Muffins!!!

These are great to eat in the morning, and are pretty easy to make.  

7 Large eggs
8 Slices of bacon (if you want bacon)
1/4 cup of milk
Cheese, onion, spinach or what ever like in your eggs

Preheat oven at 350 degrees
Take muffin pan and spray with Pam (if you are using bacon you really don't have to)
If you use bacon you are going to cut it in 1/3rds .  Line muffin pan with the bacon loosely.  If you do not cut it (You don't have to) they shrink up more.You can also add ham or what ever you like.  
Scramble your eggs with the milk.  Add salt, pepper or any spice you like to the mix.
Fill muffin pan 3/4 of the way with the egg mix. If you are adding any veggies, cheese, or meat bits, make it a little less. 
All any other ingredients that you like to the egg mixture.  (Tip: If you use spinach, put it in before the egg).
Cook in the oven for 30-35min.
I usually take a plastic spoon and knife to get the muffins out so I don't scratch my muffin pan.
I also like to drizzle honey on top once they come out of the oven.

These can last for 5-7 days in the fridge.  Can be frozen also!  Enjoy :)

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